Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Birmingham Hallmarksewn



excited and moved. Mouths open, eyes wide and wet, a lump in my throat, my heart tightens

... It just feels so while watching the movie "Human life: first wonder," an exceptional video produced by filmmaker Mark Tumbiolo doing use of modern imaging techniques and animation. The video shows the mysterious development of the embryo from fertilization to birth.

Who watches the video is unlikely to remain unaffected: human life is unrivaled in the world!

The spectator truly has a sense of participation and touch the miracle of life!

E 'was also the case Tuesday, May 11, 2010 for participants of the 5th meeting of the course of sensitization "The INVIOLABILITY' OF LIFE" sponsored by the MPV of Marsala

The video shows the first nine months of our lives we spend in the womb. This is the period of our lives when we fight for themselves more intensively in our entire existence.

Each human cell has a nucleus that contains 46 chromosomes. They are made of molecules, which we call genes. From genes we differ from other human beings. Cells have a genetic combination called DNA is identical.

From adolescence on, mature cells sex. The meeting between the egg and the sperm happens in the body of the woman. This is the magic moment of conception. The chromosomes mingle and exchange genes. The fetus begins to develop. Of course it is a human being with its own genetic identity and therefore completely different from the genetic mother. It is just time to give this little embryo will morula, fetus, child, that child's life .....: expands in stages.

As volunteers of life we \u200b\u200bwant to defend human life in the whole of its development and to natural death, but attach decisive importance to the protection of unborn human life, with particular attention to that moment of conception. Therefore we will pursue all initiatives appropriate to promote the recognition, protection and reception.


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