Saturday, January 17, 2009

Homemade Gerbera Wedding Bouquet

"Together", a new project for 2009.

A new project on food security, "LISANGA, financed with funds from the State 8 per thousand for the year 2006 and produced in association with five Italian NGOs (including the COE) headed by CIDSE, I will see directly involved throughout the period of its implementation, which runs until the end of 2009.

In line with the objectives of the World Food sommet held in Rome in 1996, the project aims to achieve a balance between agricultural production and access to the Kinshasa market for organic products and local, through the establishment of a chain food distributed. Each of the six
partener will manage a local agricultural center in five different areas of the south-east of Kinshasa: the pilot farms, LISANGA (from lingala "together") that in addition to the production and sale of products will ensure the training of personnel and population in general.
Throughout the month of December the work was mainly organized jointly with the six local leaders.
this month the project included outreach activities each partener will rivogere local authorities and the population of the municipality in which his center will be built LISANGA (Mongafula, Dumi, N'Djili, N'Djili Brasserie, and Ngaliema Swalempu).

the company to participate in the awareness of yesterday, held in the village of Swalempu, more than 120 km away from Limete is worthy of note, an experience that would have discouraged any novel in the DRC, including me, convincing to return home like hell! The appointment was scheduled for six in the morning, but for reasons they came to take unwarranted at 8.45, without the responsibility that we have reached to 10 due to rain, forcing us to wait under the canopy of a petrol station.
Knowing the way to the village in quetione I tried to encourage them to postpone the visit because dell'impraticabilità thereof, in any case, the awareness would have taken place since the experts are in place throughout the week.
Although I also had the support of the geologist that the rain could not detect the depth of the water for the construction of the well, the team decided to go anyway. We arrived at the village at 14, tired of waiting and discouraged by the rain. Women, men and children had already returned to their usual activities. Finally at 14:30
began the task of presenting the project, local NGO, the Focsiv, the undersigned, and all that would bring the project to the village.


laughter, shouting, hand clapping, screaming ......... in short, was a joy for me to see how much joy the news has managed to bring in a village miles from my everyday life, without light , no water, no road, no clinic, with the first school built recently and still not working.
felt so happy the sun has decided to participate, wiping away a little bit the way back. Thus, in twelve on a pick-up of five seats and loads of agricultural products to sell at the central market we took the road to Kinshasa, and finally at 20:00 I went home, satisfied with the day and charged with all the expectations that the project represents the LISANGA kinois involved.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

How To Make An Elmo Bow

About Tshiluba ....... BIMP

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo official languages \u200b\u200bare Lingala, the Kikongo, Swahili and Tshiluba.

in Tshiluba means a person who can forgive wrong once, but a second tolerate not accept the third time.
According to a team of linguists
this is the hardest word to translate the world, we've discovered Tshimbulu from an old newspaper clipping.

Many volunteers en route to Kinshasa and Direct Tshimbulu we had anticipated complicated than was the language spoken in this province, Indeed despite the entertainment activities are managed well, without a translator would be very complicated!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Clear Clogged Drain On Ge Nautilus

! Etoile Rouge

We advantage of the Christmas holidays to get away from the chaotic and visit Kinshasa Tshimbulu , a village in West Kasai in the DRC in which the COE has opened less than a year, the hospital St.Francois.
pretext to carry out a brief training session on team games at the Centre d'animation CASC, managed by the COE, we enjoyed the company of other volunteers and the local Italians, the Luba. Differences with
Kin are many and despite the lack of goods, from basic necessities to the more trivial, the impression is that in general people are more relaxed, less educated and desperate.
I know that speeches of this kind tend to generalize social realities, but the spontaneity and warmth of the people struck me to the point that one week was enough to make me appreciate a place, however, difficult to endure in the long run.
And to say that Kinshasa is an insult to someone of the Luba, considered inferior because, obviously insults travels fast, so that even in Milan they say u, Baluba! Miracles of colonialism.
Even the inevitable contact with nature has refreshed the past months in this open dump that is Kinshasa.
Dario took the opportunity to regenerate with long walks in the company of youths that, despite some language difficulties, they have dipped in newspaper of the local population, made up of domestic work and agriculture.
To enhance and enrich the latter power, the COE has initiated a program of in-training Tshimbulu and surrounding villages on the use of moringa plant whose richness in vitamins, minerals and protein is small enough to be a excellent food supplement, in an area where malnutrition is widespread ( ).
Unfortunately most other hospitalized at St. François are in fact children under the age of five years from hunger worn, thin or swollen limbs with deep and infected wounds.
Aprofittando goodwill of the inhabitants, I unleashed an endless series of photos for adults and children, another difference from Kinshasa, where people are afraid and refusing to be immortalized.
So I focused on the everyday actions of people, women returning from the fields with heavy baskets of wood to the head or other commitment to the market, the children entrusted to look after younger siblings while their mothers work the field, or husbands busier than anywhere else in the household, as well as in community life. So
Greetings to all from this corner of the world, and we wish you a happy 2009 to Tshimbulu voluntary departure because the enthusiasm never know down, but it enriches experiences and friendships of the place.
