Tuesday, September 28, 2010

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'TAKE CARE OF LIFE '- Informative seminar organized by the Movement for Life Marsala

The Movement for Life Marsala is organizing a seminar on "Caring for life." The course is open to those who wish to study issues affecting the dignity, value and defense of human life.
the 10 meetings scheduled to be held on a monthly basis at the Social Centre in Via G. Sappusi Falcone in Marsala. The Movement for Life was born in Marsala with the goal of "a general renewal of society, and to that end, consider the right to life as the first expression of human dignity,

foundation of all law Human ensure proper definition and promotion of freedom, natural rights, democracy and peace - says the president Victor Saladin - Among the aims of our association that is relevant educational who wants to help, especially for young people, the formation of a mentality that respects the dignity of human life at every stage. To achieve this goal, we organized a seminar to raise awareness on current and fundamental issues concerning the promotion and defense of human life, dignity and rights. "
These are the issues to be discussed during the course:
1. The "fundamental" value of life
2. Life ethics - For a bioethics on "fundamental" value of life
3. THE LIFE AND CULTURAL CONTEXT TODAY - The elements that characterize the current time
4. Abortion, assisted reproduction and euthanasia - Legal Aspects
5. Among the defense of life and liberty of death - Legal status of 'Euthanasia
7. Theological conception of life
8. HOW TO TAKE CARE OF LIFE - Testimonials, proposals and practical advice
9. Working in the service network of the person - Round table between those responsible for social services and voluntary
10. MOVEMENT FOR LIFE - The purpose and aim