Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Affordable Boho Clothes




E 'Association consists of social promotion called "Movement for Life Marsala ", based in the local Church of Our Lady of Wisdom in Via Giovanni Falcone 13A in Marsala.

The association pursues exclusively charitable purposes.

Article 2

The Movement for the life of Marsala joins, as an ordinary member federation linked by the Federation of Movements for life and living assistance center of Italy, which shares the inspiration and purpose. Similarly adheres to its Regional Federation.

Article 3

Sorting and organizing Association are governed by Articles. 36, 37 and 38 of the Civil Code, Law n ° 266 08/11/1991 and implementing rules laid down by region, as well as the Charter and the Constitutive Act. The Association is not for profit, even indirect, and operates exclusively for charitable purposes, using a decisive or predominant performance personal, voluntary and unpaid their members, including the charges. They are particularly invited people representing groups, associations or institutions that pursue similar or related to those of their pro-life movement. It 'a reality "nonpartisan." E 'is forbidden to distribute, even indirectly income and operating surpluses will be reinvested for the benefit of its institutional activities. Article 4

The Association aims to defend human life from conception, throughout the period of its development and to natural death. Promote by all means open-minded reception and protection of each human being. Opera for a general renewal of society, and to that end, consider the right to life as the first expression of human dignity, the foundation of every human right, ensuring a correct definition and promotion of freedom, natural rights, democracy and peace. Assets of institutional protection of life and reception, managed by the Association, are intended to bring benefits to disadvantaged people of all ages because of physical, mental, economic, social or family.

Article 5

The Association attaches decisive importance to the protection of unborn human life, with particular attention to the moment of conception, and pursues all those initiatives likely to promote the recognition, protection and hospitality, working effectively to remove obstacles to his rise to or for its development including, first, any abortion legislation. Among the goals of the educational work that is relevant is to encourage, especially for young people, the formation of a mentality that respects the dignity of human life at every stage. Thus, the association intends to promote training, updating and research, addressed to all those involved in the school (pupils, teachers, parents) to work as an agency of education consistent with the aims of the school.

Article 6

The Movement for the life of Marsala, in order to achieve its purpose, makes several types of actions to solve, or to set about solving the problems that hinder the emergence of what is stated in previous articles. Article 7

The Movement for the life of Marsala, will also enter into agreements with public authorities pursuant to Art. 7 of Law 266/91 and realize the different forms of participation referred to in art. 10.11,12, and 15 of that Act, in full respect of their autonomy.

Article 8

The Movement for the life of Marsala is a fund of social solidarity through car taxation spontaneous contributions, contributions from members, the proceeds of its promotional activities and any other contribution of organizations, to support all initiatives which fall in the company, pursuant to the requirements of Article 266 of the Act of that .5 11 ago.1991.


Article 9

are members of the Movement for the life of Marsala, besides the founders, who, whether sharing the goals, are accepted and final resolution of the Board. Members are required to comply with this Statute and to engage actively, according to their possibilities in associations, to help achieve its goals. They are also required to pay the membership fee annually, to the extent and manner established by the Board. Excluding the temporary nature of participation in community life.


Article 10 The organs of the Movement for the life of Marsala:

a. the Assembly;

b. the Board of Directors;

c. President;

d. Vice-President;

e. Secretary;

f. Treasurer. Article 11

All positions have three-year membership can be renewed once only and are free. Each task will be executed in full compliance with the Association's aims and harmony with the directives issued by the bodies, and, anyway, in compliance with the strictest confidence on news and facts about the people she met.


Article 12 The Assembly shall consist of all members who have paid the fee to be determined year by the Board and ratified in the Assembly. Each Member can only act as proxy for another member. People can also participate in meetings non-members, representatives of associations of secular and religious reality, and at the invitation of the President. The latter are not entitled to vote.

Article 13 The Assembly is convened

by the President at least twice a year, or when there are issues of an exceptional nature. The Assembly normally meets at the registered office or, where appropriate, in another place, but always in the territory of their own region of Sicily. Article 14

The meeting is chaired by the President or in his absence, the Vice President.
The Secretary shall record the minutes, or in his absence, a member designated by the meeting. Article 15

The Assembly shall: a.
Elect the President and the Board of Directors; the election shall be by simple majority by secret ballot and, if necessary;
b. To approve the annual program activity;
c. Approve the budget;
d. Approve the financial statement;
e. Approve amendments to this Statute.


Art.16 The Board is composed of a minimum of five and a maximum of nine members elected by the Assembly from among its members. Within 30 days. since his appointment, shall meet to elect from among its members, and possibly a simple majority by secret ballot, the Vice-President and Treasurer.

Art.17 The Board is convened by the President whenever he deems it appropriate or require members of the Board.
The decisions of the President of the Movement for Life Marsala shall be valid if an absolute majority of those present. In the case of a tie vote of the President. Article 18

The Board is responsible for: a.

promote and coordinate all activities and initiatives to achieve the aims of their movement;
b. preparing financial statements;
c. manage the movement;
d. implement the program of activities approved by the assembly;
e. Assembly to propose amendments to these Regulations;
f. determine the amount of the annual membership fee;
g. approve the membership of bodies in general and on projects under Articles 2 and 8 of the Statute.

Article 19 The Board of Directors

decade the natural expiration of law and should immediately convene the Assembly for election. All members of the Board expired remain in office until their successors are elected. THE PRESIDENT

Article 20 The President of the Movement for the life of Marsala:

a. has the signature on all documents and legal representative of the Movement against third parties and in court;

b. appoint a Secretary from among the members of the Board;

c. chairs the Executive Council and the Assembly of Members;

d. within-day administration may, in cases of urgency or necessity, decisions by the Board of Directors, submitting the same for ratification at its first meeting;

e. promotes the development of the movement and coordinates the activities giving the necessary information for operational and organizational;


Article 21 The Vice President replaces the President in full in case of absence or inability of the same and assists him in general in the promotion and organization of the Association.


Article 22 The Secretary of the Movement for the life of Marsala:

a. is appointed by the President from among the members of the Governing Council;

b. prepares the minutes of meetings and update the lists of members and subscribers of the monthly "YES TO LIFE"

c. assist the President in carrying out its functions, especially for the proper functioning of the bodies.


Article 23 The Treasurer of the Movement for the life of Marsala:

a. is appointed by the Board of Directors, from among its members, and possibly a simple majority by secret ballot;

b. by the ordinary operation and maintenance of related books, also preparing the drafts of budgets;

c. performs all operations of a amm.vo (bank deposits, membership fees, subscription fees, etc.)..

FINAL PROVISIONS Article 24 Rights of members

a. Members have the right to participate in meetings, to vote directly or by proxy, for the work agreed in advance, to monitor and verify the activity that took place from the other members to withdraw from membership in the Movement.

b. Members cease to belong to the Movement for the resignation, death, indignity approved by the Board of Directors or to decline. Article 25

The duration of the Movement for the life of Marsala unlimited.

In the event of dissolution and liquidation, the name and assets of the Association will be donated to the shareholders' meeting, association or other body that is able to ensure the destination for purposes similar to those of the present Charter, after the body control referred to in Article 3, paragraph 190, of Law December 23, 1996, n.662, destination unless otherwise required by law. All matters not expressly provided in this Statute shall refer to the rules of the Civil Code, Legislative Decree 4 Dec. 1997, No 460 and the Law of 7 December 2000, n. 383.

Article 26 The amendments to this Statute require for their validity, the approval at least 2 / 3 of the parties to participate in this meeting if at least half of the members.

Marsala, there

May 6, 2010 (St. Dominic Savio, the patron of pregnant women and unborn)


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