Bioethics says in many ways
The Movement for life makes them the object of study his seminar for you to enter more and more in everyday
In our day, now very often, you hear the word "bioethics" linked to various situations defined as "edge" that affect the life of man.
But what is meant by the term "bioethics"?
Professor Paul Mirabile, spoke at the second meeting of the seminar "TAKE CARE OF LIFE" organized by the Movement for Life Marsala presented briefly, but with much dedication, the different patterns in bioethics.
The term "bioethics" was introduced in 1970 by the oncologist Van Rensselaer Potter as "a new discipline that combines biological knowledge with knowledge of the system of human values" he had in fact understood that the indiscriminate use of scientific knowledge and technology can represent a serious threat to human survival, or rather all living species on earth.
subject of bioethics are human interventions on human life made possible by scientific discoveries. Thus bioethics can be defined by E. Sgreccia: "That part of moral philosophy that considers the legality or otherwise of interventions on human life and, particularly, those tasks associated with the practice and development of medical sciences and Living. Are interventions that have man as the protagonist and recipient. Subject and object.
The universe of bioethics, however, presents in an articulate and complex, "Bioethics is said in many ways."
Currently, we can distinguish four models, each of which is characterized by a different criterion anthropological and, consequently, a different formulation of ethical judgments.
In fact, all are agreed that the man at the center of ethical reflection, but not all have the same opinion on humans, so the problem ends up as a moral anthropological problem. In other words, the various conceptions that humans have come to different ethical standards and, from these, the various ethics.
a) liberal-radical (foundation subjective), based on freedom, the values \u200b\u200bare based not on truth but on the subject that follows the momentary inclinations;
b) Model pragmatic-utilitarian (intersubjective foundation) based on ' social utility, understood as a value: it is ethical what is useful and enjoyable and that is an expression (changing) the culture of a place in a given time;
c) Model of the responsibility that recalls the attitude of one who, before action to determine or change a certain state of affairs, evaluate the possible consequences of their actions, "res-Pond" means, in fact, weigh action, an event. When we speak of responsibility in bioethics, we are referring not to a specific aspect, but the value for excellence that has motivated its birth and guides its development, that "the purpose of preserving life. The life that wants to come to the world then has the right to be born and man's duty to bring it into being: the duty to excellence. The purpose of nature in the vision of accountability and 'value';
d) Templates (objective-metaphysical foundation), proposed by the Catholics, based on the individual, considered as a reality individual but also as to all persons. It stems from the philosophical concept of man as a person, in which being in the universe reaches its maximum expression, while the same material world acquires its meaning. The same trend has its peak in man. The human person, then, in a world record (in a Christian man is the focus of God who became man to redeem it), so that the company should be considered in the light of man, not vice versa.
Potter in 1970 had already understood that the indiscriminate use of scientific knowledge and technology can represent a serious threat to human survival, indeed of all living species on earth. Paradoxically, advances in science, which seeks to give man a better quality of life, can undermine the very life tragically, this cry of alarm now seems more timely than ever and looks with concern, to mention some of the most emblematic of problem, the achievements of genetic engineering and its applications (handling of living structures, cloning and construction of biological weapons), pollution, nuclear and chemical weapons, etc..
Considering the importance and relevance of such arguments, the Movement for the life of Marsala has decided to explore the topic "Bioethics" making it an object of study, with the help of prof. Paul Mirabile, in the first two meetings of the seminar. During the next meeting, scheduled for Thursday, November 11, will be proposed by dr. Savatteri Vincent, head of Ser.T. Marsala and respected criminologist, a reflection on life and the cultural elements that characterize today's deepening the current time.
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