Wednesday, October 20, 2010


"A FILM FOR LIFE - All the movies to build projects of hope "

The Movement for Life Marsala el'Anspi "Our Lady of Wisdom" Sappusi, organize, starting Sunday, November 7 PV, 1 cycle Cineforum 2010 entitled "A FILM FOR LIFE - All the movies projects to build hope. "

Convinced that the language of film is still a valid means of expression and communication, and cultural and spiritual enrichment, the two associations had the idea to organize this initiative to discuss and confront society, love, family, youth and foster reflection through engaging stories that tends to develop a culture aware and respectful of the value of human life from conception to natural death.

The first film in the program are: November 7, 17.00, The Game, November 21 at 17.00, Happy feet, 5 December at 17.00, Nativity.

Screenings will be held at the hall of the Centre for Social Sappusi.

projections, which will begin on time at the times indicated, followed by a brief discussion.

Admission is free.
Download the poster


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