It was a pleasant surprise seeing present at the first meeting of the seminar information organized by the MPV of Marsala, over 50 men and women, between 17 and 60 years.
In spite of what one is tempted to think there's so many people who still finds the time and the courage to come together to bring forward evidence of battles, cultural, able to attract and educate young people to the highest values \u200b\u200bof respect for life .
Courage, yes. It should be just the courage to speak today because of unborn life, defending the rights fundamental to promoting the dignity of the person from conception, and denounce the scandal of a company, a state that says to the woman: "Here, come, I've prepared a clean, safe and comfortable place where you can kill your child for free and now I offer you the opportunity to choose the weapon you like more: the tools of the surgeon or a pill "without doubt attracted the condemnation of feminists and politicians, and often means to be marginalized, to be watched like crazy, remnants of the past not only respect the culture and the radical left, but unfortunately sometimes in the Catholic world itself.
But thank God there are still those who, driven only by love for life and in defense of the weakest (and who is weaker than do something really new or has just been conceived?) wants - despite the many obstacles - build a culture of life and a civilization of love.
It is not sentimentality, as some may be led to think, not only for defense of moral principles or faith.
It is those who,
deeply disgusted and offended by the terrible crimes that are done every day by abortion, euthanasia or assisted suicide, and baffled by the inertia with which we are witnessing Italian properties , decided to fight through clenched teeth for the defense of life. It is clear that no defense of human life there can be no solidarity nor the renewal of society, neither equality nor freedom, nor democracy, nor the realization of human rights and no peace.
A wave of new culture for nearly a year, so, you are entering in Marsala. For the second consecutive year, the Movement for Life Marsala has organized a course on advocacy issues concerning maternal and prenatal life, and this year the entries were even higher than the previous year.
The seminar promoted this year - to be held in 10 meetings on a monthly basis - has theme of "caring for the life."
"We wanted to give the title of this conference 'CARE OF LIFE' - said President Victor Saladin in his introductory message of the course - for 'taking care of life' is now more than ever a need. Since conception, the human being deserves to be recognized, respected, protected, loved and served as one of us, equal in dignity and rights. Worth that is that we "take care" of the whole person. This is because life, to anyone, rich or poor, healthy or sick, young or old - and without distinction of race or religion - Is an inviolable right. And if it is tampered with each of us must shoulder its responsibility towards life and act quickly and detailed information on the issue. "
Provide detailed information on the defense of life is the purpose of the course that had as speaker of the first appointment Paul Mirabile, a professor of religion and a degree in bioethics at the University of Messina.
"that human life has its own principle of inviolability is a unanimous decision - said Mirabile. However
- said the speaker - there are some occurrences in which the right to life of the individual gives way to other rights, they are four: the death penalty, the "just war" and the self-defense, the danger of a duty of their safety.
They introduce a criterion of existential insecurity. Does that depend on the continued life of a human being by external conditions to it and found another man who allows their existence.
The exceptions to which he referred to the prof. Mirabile of the cases are very specific, sometimes questionable, but in no way equivalent to abortion, and it therefore can not be considered legitimate in any way.
"Consider, for example - Mirabile has pointed out - to the absolute arbitrary legislation, which provides for 90 days the time within which you can practice on abortion. What happens to the 91st day? In virtue of what a single day, the embryo acquires an altered existential. And this is not absolute. For those who know the l.194 - Mirabile has continued - in the case of malformation of the embryo is still leaking this inviolability. "
In fact, anyone who supports the legality della'aborto "only sometimes", he invokes the principle that when a value it compares with other equally fundamental conflict arises and the consequent need to a choice. What I wanted to emphasize the speaker means is that any justification of violence done in life itself, an affirmation of the power of life and death over another human being. Moreover, what is good for me may not be for another and vice versa. About sindacherà these criteria of validity and if valid reasons exist for the intrauterine life because they do not take into account the already born. This is why it is often said, and rightly so, that abortion is in some sense the matrix of any attack on human life. But this is not just the peculiarity of abortion violence than any other life. Perhaps the most striking contrast it causes is an act against life and paradoxically made possible by those who are constitutionally place in his ward: the mother medicine, the state law.
A rational argument based on ethical arguments that the prof. Mirabile that - during the allotted time - in addition to having mentioned the various types of abortion (therapeutic, eugenic, after rape) addressed sensitive issues such as euthanasia.
The next meeting is scheduled for Oct. 28, but through facebook - on which the Movement for Life Marsala has created a group - and thanks to your blog ( can prolong the 'interesting reflection sort after the meeting.
We hope you will be able to involve more people so that we can promote our city in a debate that seeks to promote and develop a culture aware and respectful of the value of human life from conception to natural death.
Victor Saladin
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