Thursday, December 30, 2010

Viva La Spring Break Uk

otra vouéce - Lettra Iverta - November 2010

for democratic participation in the life of the country, returns to the OTRA VOUECE.

In the early days of December has been delivered to the families of Introd a communication dated November 2010, in order to give to the citizens what is happening in distant rooms municipal.

can download a copy by clicking here.

Thursday, December 23, 2010



Question 01-2010 - Pali Norat
02-2010 Question - How to contract schools

Monday, December 13, 2010

How To Camp In Mount And Blade

Human life: the inviolable right or subject to agreements and negotiations?? Established

ABORTION and artificial insemination - Legal

After having dwelt during the first three meetings, on the bioethical and social aspects of human life and its inviolable value, it is desired to stop dealing with the legal aspects of certain techniques, allowed by Italian law, threatening human life itself, from conception until its natural end.

Advocate Manuela Linares, invited by the Steering MPV Marsala to discuss the issue, illustrated to present as many over 45 years has passed since the sanction of voluntary birth control services for the startup information on contraceptive methods and their use in the context of free choice by the couple.

The rapporteur, taking into consideration the various laws that have taken place since 1930 and focusing mainly on the Law 194/78 on interruption of pregnancy and the law 40/2004 on medically assisted procreation, showed that on a cultural theme voluntary control of procreation has been placed increasingly at the intersection of moral and criminal penalties and free choice of the first women and then couples. In

concerning policies for the voluntary interruption of pregnancy, the lawyer. Linares has stated that abortion (retranslated in the legislation as "abortion") is an issue that has great moral resonance that reverberates most strongly on the psychology of people.

During his talk, plus the Linares has exposed the different cultural orientations associated with the practice of abortion - from any moral condemnation of abortion liberalization absolute - and also clarified the various cases of abortion allowed by Italian law (abortion before 90 days after conception, after 90 days of conception, in the case of minors, in the case of off-limits).

As regards the artificial insemination Advocate Linares, in addition to presenting the techniques and the various arguments for and against the Law 40/2004, has presented the various parliamentary battles that have occurred over the past 40 years and which finally led to the introduction of the new law. Act immediately attacked by radicals through a collection of signatures demanding a referendum five abrogate, totally or partially, of Law 40, led the invitation of 4 referendum, the result was nullified by the lack of a quorum.

However, a ruling made in April of 2010 in order to make effective the law itself, since the previous limit of three embryos could be implanted in the womb has been increased to 10, losing 40 of the law's original intention of the legislator who wanted to defend this limit through unused embryos from destruction or freezing.

What conclusions draw from this interesting meeting?

seems very absurd and creates much discomfort and anxiety in a context where there is an obstinate desire for motherhood in a world where millions of children die of hunger or are killed before they see the light.

Highlighting the need to value life and requires the impartiality with which this requirement must be indulged is not only a theoretical approach. The field of law must take charge.

happens, however, more and more that bring together the value of life, which should be protected by law with the pluralism of society and the solutions of conflicts on human life by means of compromise and consensus always questions of the law the absolute value of the right to life and relativized. In this way, the human right that is inviolable, inalienable depends on the requirements of the majority who can argue with the laws he does. Human life becomes the subject of agreements and negotiations. You get to discuss about who should have the right to life and who's not, it is recognized the debate in parliament or even in society by means of a referendum on the denial of that right. Then in a pluralistic society the law becomes "the instrument of the will of the legislature, assuming the value of compromise which satisfies no one, however, is not accepted because it allows to avoid social conflicts" [1]. The civilization of a pluralist society has brought with it the laws made by consensus of the majority, in order to legalize the killing of man and to protect the one who kills. This is the tragic direction in which the law is about the right to life. Thus, the legislature assumes power you have the right to life and its protection. Human life, in the cases he has chosen, ceases to be good in the community of the State, the value worthy of respect and protection. When the legislature denied the right to life in relation to some human beings and the other for confirmation, then breaks the law is inviolable and inherent to the person. Conflicts with human rights that can not be the subject of agreements, consensus, voting and referendum [2]. The state dominated by the vision of law ceases to be a democratic state of law based on human rights. Become a State tyrant who claims to have the life of the weakest and most defenseless, the children's lives unborn and the elderly [3] and democracy becomes "clear or hidden totalitarianism" [4]. Then the pluralistic and democratic state "can take on certain characteristics of the totalitarian state, where the citizens do not morality, that the universal nature always and everywhere to ensure respect for human life, dignity and needs that in public life means life "[5].

[1] ŚLĘCZKA, Spor ... wokół, 102

[2] The referendum on laws about the right to life which contained legal abortion or expand the availability of abortion was made: in Switzerland, in Italy where the Constitutional Court has recognized this as a constitutional referendum, but if you wanted to introduce abortion on desire as opposed to established ones, in Portugal, where the Constitutional Court said that the referendum is consistent with the constitution but the people rejected a proposal to add new grounds for abortion. The referendum on abortion, then the right to life was also made in Ireland. In the Constitution of Slovakia and the Czech Republic is forbidden to hold a referendum on human rights. In Poland, the parliament a few times already rejected the proposal to hold a referendum on abortion instead approved le consultazioni sociali. Da esse risulta che su dei partecipanti 1710976, 1527460 erano contro l'aborto cf Grzeskowiak A., Criminal Law Protection of the Unborn in the work of the Sejm and the Senate, Ottoniamun, Szczecin 1994, 133

[3] GIOVANNI PAOLO II Evangelium Vitae, 20

[4] GIOVANNI PAOLO II, Centesimus Annus, 46

[5] BERREAU H., La loi morale-Fondamenta du droit, Ethique 1996, 22

Thursday, December 9, 2010

How To Catch Shiny Rayquaza In Emerald

Alisya in Wonderland-Simone Amendola

Simone Amendola Ilaria Alpi Prize-winning production in 2010 will be in Rimini with his "Alisya in Wonderland" December 20, 2010, at the film library of Rimini, at 21.

The screening of the documentary film will be held on the final evening dedicated to the project Cineattivi - promoted by the voluntary associations and the province of Rimini - Jacquerie, Carlo Giuliani Acat, Rainbow, voice, and San Damiano sinister sound.

The evening also will screen two short films made in the laboratory of visual arts held in 2010 with boys and girls involved in the project and volunteers associations.

followed by discussion with the director.

Watch the trailer of the documentary film Alysia in Wonderland:

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Rusted Flat Top Grill

Rimini Ken Loach - Land and Freedom Ken Loach

"Of course we make mistakes, we were self-taught in the great task of transforming society "

We are very pleased with the outcome of the evening in Rimini Film Archive is dedicated to Ken Loach and his" Land and Freedom ", a time of sharing important and heard, so we thank all the participants .

Present a film of historical rhetoric was not an act or contemplative, as we believe that his narrative can be reinterpreted in today and in our daily battles.

In the film, as well as for us, are fighting to defend the common good, human dignity and the environment, of working class solidarity and self-determination of the desires, and the lives of the people have to be continued every day.

Our everyday experience and the paths we have - and we would continue to take - they are carriers of another company that values \u200b\u200bthe idea of \u200b\u200bcommon , defined as that which has no price and is not subject to speculation and blackmail.

We believe in the concept of democracy that is not a ritual practice of voting, but that the specific local action to be done for the overall construction of a possible world in which communities are recomposed, and choose their future govern themselves in the light of an interest, indeed, common.

So if there is anything we can learn from the film is that only by following a common path, past the fractions, it is possible to defend the land and tear freedom.

share with you a passage from The path of the nests of spider read during the evening:

here is right, there in the wrong. Here we resolve something, the chain is reaffirmed. [...] There

that we, in history, are on the side of the ransom, their other .[...]

The other is part of gestures lost, the useless rage, lost and useless even if you win, why not make history, but you do not need to leave to repeat and perpetuate hatred and fury and, after another twenty or a hundred or a thousand years back so you, us and them, to fight with the same hatred, [...] us to redeem us, to keep their slaves. This is the meaning of the struggle, the meaning of true, total, to [...] Apart from the various official meanings. A push to redeem the human element with all of our humiliation: for the worker from exploitation, to the petty bourgeois from his inhibitions, the peerage by his corruption, [the precarious from a precarious life for the migrant from 'exclusion - we would say today].

I believe that our political work is this, also use our human misery, use it against itself, for our redemption, [as well as the capital using the wealth to perpetuate the misery], and the Fascists used to perpetuate the misery itself, and man against man.

From The path the Spiders' Nests - Italo Calvino

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What Are Prices For Waxing At Jc Penney

TEAM YOUNG Movement for Life Marsala

19/11/2010 Il is costituita è l'Equipe giovani del Movimento per la Vita di Marsala.
The guys who formed the band are Marika Sardo, Laura Adragna Silvana,
Ardagna Valentina, Adriana Bonetto, Luana Buffa and Fabien Brugnone. The girls will be led by the chairman of
MPV Marsala Victor Saladin, who was excited about this event.
The young team will be an important reference point for the entire association whose purpose is particularly important in their own educational work among young people to encourage the formation of a mentality that respects the dignity of human life at every stage.
The young team has the goal of transmitting the values \u200b\u200bof the MPV, or "defend life from conception until natural death" among their peers, through various events.
Young people will be involved in projects to promote and coordinate training programs for children in both bioethics and for volunteering in the structures of the Movement.
The group is open to anyone who wants to join. For information, please send an e-mail or visit the blog

Sardo Marika

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Black End Gold Towels


"The bodily life, physics, 'Man is the fundamental value (the principle of non-availability), through which the human person is made and entered into time and space, shows the their freedom, the future plans, manifests entering social relations with others. Only the spiritual and the total person is placed above the fundamental value of physical life, and only because of the spiritual good of the person you can sacrifice the life of the body.

In recognition of the fundamental value of physical life comes the recognition of the fundamental right to physical life (the principle of inviolability), a right which can not be violated even to encourage the lives of others, because the human person is the end in itself, is of value and not a part of society. "

We had left with these exciting observations that the prof. Mirabile at the end of the second meeting. However, he warned us about how confused and distracted our society, which seems to dim the light of life, at the same time it has encouraged us to reflect on how important it is that in this society, there are people, especially young people ready to take Caring.

Giving us a clearer picture and outline, sometimes even discouraging, the cultural context of today, spoke in the third meeting of the seminar Dr. Savatteri Vincent, head of Ser.T. Marsala, criminologist and professor of Criminology at the University of Palermo and Messina, a renowned expert in isothermal phenomena.

It has become clear to all that, in a society characterized by individualism and the maddening failure to perceive the true values \u200b\u200bof life, has failed to fulfill everyone's responsibility to take care of the other, the life of another.

rises but some doubt as to the various interests that lead to whole generations have certain behaviors that are increasingly disintegrating the old models of human and social relationships.

Dr. Savatteri, from recent news reports, explained to the participants of the seminar in that way, through a subtle language, ambiguous, deliberate and thorough, spreading a culture of death.

is now regarded as established practice to disguise meanings serious and unacceptable words difficult to understand or even pleasant or attractive (termination of pregnancy rather than abortion / murder, sweet death or euthanasia rather than deprivation of liberty, etc ...). Among the scandals

Dr. Savatteri cited the death chamber in Switzerland called "dignitas" (
a structure in which the possibility of killing yourself freely without incurring any penalty), and the nickname 'Peppino' attributed to the father of Eluana to make it more nice and close, as an acquaintance or friend, who Instead he was always the first name was Joseph, of the known facts of the news.

The Rapporteur has also noted, with some examples, as is the growing use of terminology aggressive legal alarmist, of subjugation, and repeated with emphasis:

Address: address a theme (or topic), "facing the school year," to deal with that page, "deals with the torture scandal."

Blind: "... ... .... blind and the RAI Board of Directors, "" Jerusalem reinforced for Easter "," city / house reinforced, "" reinforced in a Madrid "," the Pope armored strict controls "," the minister who is blind. "

Bombing "bombardment of images", "bomb e-mail, text messages to bombard", "news bomb," bomb phone calls. "

Equipped: means fortified, armed and well defended. "Equipped with the ticket," a passport, "equipped pen and paper "," the cosmetic bag fitted with a mirror, "" own car "(armored car?).

Burst "all hell breaks out," the quarrel broke out, "" political storm broke out, "broke the case," "heat burst", "breaks out the love ".

In our society the siege minutes is the norm, the words are deliberately used to refute, cheat, deceive, to hide. The sound has a power of penetration in which the physical human being has no control. It is difficult to defend and win.

In fact, signs point to this victory are not lacking in our society and culture, so strongly marked by the "culture of death."

's meeting today, if proof were needed, has made us even more aware that "we are facing an enormous and dramatic clash between good and evil, death and life, the" culture of death "and the" culture of life. "

We are not only "faced with" but necessarily "in the midst of" this conflict: we are all involved and participate, with the inescapable responsibility of choosing to be unconditionally pro of life "(Evangelium Vitae, 28). [quoted a papal encyclical, not to support a religious authority, but because so far as it exposes is convincing, in rational terms, for every person that really puts the center of his attention to the service of humanity, I urge everyone to read it carefully]

"The first and fundamental step towards this cultural transformation consists in forming consciences with regard to the incomparable and inviolable worth of every human life" (EV 96)

It is 'goal of our seminar: to inform and educate men and women to be mobilized for a new culture of life and are able to preserve for themselves and spread around them authentic ideals of life and then grow in respect and service to every person in the family and society.

That is why we hope that members continue to participate and persevere even invite others to join.

In this mobilization for a new culture of life no one must feel excluded: everyone has a role to play "(EV, 98).

How Much Gunpowder In A Popper

"Educating the fullness of life"

Posted the message for the 33rd National Day for Life (February 6, 2011)

Education is the challenge and the urgent task to which we are called, each in its proper role and specific vocation.

We hope and we strive to educate the fullness of life, supporting and growing, from the new generations, a culture of life and accept that to keep it from conception to its natural end and that will always encourage, even when it is weak and in need of help.

As Pope Benedict XVI noted, "the root of the crisis in education there is a crisis of confidence in life" (Letter to the Diocese and the city of Rome on the urgent task of education, January 21, 2008). With alarming frequency, chronicles of cases of ferocious violence: Creatures allowed to be born, lives brutally broken, abandoned elderly, victims of accidents on the road and at work.
collected in this un'estenuazione the sign of the culture of life, the only one able to teach respect and care for it in every season and particularly in its most fragile. The most disturbing factor is habituation: everything seems normal now glimpse of humanity and deaf to the cries of those who can not defend themselves. Lost the sense of God, man loses himself, "forgetfulness of God makes it dull creature itself" (Gaudium et Spes, 36).

therefore needed cultural change, propitiated by the many encouraging signs of hope, seeds of an authentic civilization of love, in the Church and Italian society. Many men and women of good will, young, laity, priests and consecrated persons are strongly committed to defending and promoting life. Thanks to them this year too many women, even in difficult circumstances, will be put in a position to accept the origin of life, overcoming the temptation of abortion.

We cordially thank the families, parishes, religious institutes, counseling centers of Christian inspiration and all the associations that day after day endeavor to support new life, reaching out to those in need and alone would fail to meet the commitments it entails.

This act of support towards the origin of life, to be truly fruitful, requires an environment conducive to the Church, as well as social and legislative interventions targeted. It should unleash a new humanism, educating all people of good will, and in particular the young generation, to see life as the highest gift that God has given to mankind. "The man - said Benedict XVI - is really designed for what is great, for the infinite. The greatest desire in life is a sign that He created us, who brought his "footprint". God is life, and so each creature tends to life in a unique and special about the human person, made in the image of God, aspire to love, joy and peace "(Message for the Twenty-sixth World Youth Day 2011, August 6, 2010, n. 1).

is precisely the beauty and power of love to give full meaning to life and result in a spirit of sacrifice, dedication and generous frequent accompaniment. We remember with gratitude to the many families in their homes who care for elderly family members and spouses who, sometimes in hardship, enthusiastically welcome new creatures. We look with affection to parents, with great patience, accompany teenage children in the human and spiritual growth and to orient them with deep affection for what is right and good. We like to highlight the contribution of those grandparents who, selflessly, we also teaching them the wisdom to new generations and helping them to discern, in the light of their experience, what really matters.

Beyond the walls of your home, many young people find true masters of life: there are priests who spend the communities entrusted to them, expressing the fatherhood of God to the young and the poor are the teachers who, with passion and competence, introduced to the mystery of life, making the school a place of experience and Generative real education. We thank them also.

Every human environment, animated by an appropriate educational activity can become productive and make life flourish. You must, however, that the yearning for brotherhood, located deep in the heart of every man, is illuminated by an awareness of sonship and gratitude for a gift so great, giving wings to the desire for fullness of meaning of human existence. Our lifestyle, characterized by a commitment to the gift of self, becomes a hymn of praise and makes us sowers of hope in these difficult times and exciting.

Friday, October 29, 2010

What Does Succinylcholine Do

Bioethics says in many ways

The Movement for life makes them the object of study his seminar for you to enter more and more in everyday

In our day, now very often, you hear the word "bioethics" linked to various situations defined as "edge" that affect the life of man.

But what is meant by the term "bioethics"?

Professor Paul Mirabile, spoke at the second meeting of the seminar "TAKE CARE OF LIFE" organized by the Movement for Life Marsala presented briefly, but with much dedication, the different patterns in bioethics.

The term "bioethics" was introduced in 1970 by the oncologist Van Rensselaer Potter as "a new discipline that combines biological knowledge with knowledge of the system of human values" he had in fact understood that the indiscriminate use of scientific knowledge and technology can represent a serious threat to human survival, or rather all living species on earth.

subject of bioethics are human interventions on human life made possible by scientific discoveries. Thus bioethics can be defined by E. Sgreccia: "That part of moral philosophy that considers the legality or otherwise of interventions on human life and, particularly, those tasks associated with the practice and development of medical sciences and Living. Are interventions that have man as the protagonist and recipient. Subject and object.

The universe of bioethics, however, presents in an articulate and complex, "Bioethics is said in many ways."

Currently, we can distinguish four models, each of which is characterized by a different criterion anthropological and, consequently, a different formulation of ethical judgments.

In fact, all are agreed that the man at the center of ethical reflection, but not all have the same opinion on humans, so the problem ends up as a moral anthropological problem. In other words, the various conceptions that humans have come to different ethical standards and, from these, the various ethics.

a) liberal-radical (foundation subjective), based on freedom, the values \u200b\u200bare based not on truth but on the subject that follows the momentary inclinations;

b) Model pragmatic-utilitarian (intersubjective foundation) based on ' social utility, understood as a value: it is ethical what is useful and enjoyable and that is an expression (changing) the culture of a place in a given time;

c) Model of the responsibility that recalls the attitude of one who, before action to determine or change a certain state of affairs, evaluate the possible consequences of their actions, "res-Pond" means, in fact, weigh action, an event. When we speak of responsibility in bioethics, we are referring not to a specific aspect, but the value for excellence that has motivated its birth and guides its development, that "the purpose of preserving life. The life that wants to come to the world then has the right to be born and man's duty to bring it into being: the duty to excellence. The purpose of nature in the vision of accountability and 'value';

d) Templates (objective-metaphysical foundation), proposed by the Catholics, based on the individual, considered as a reality individual but also as to all persons. It stems from the philosophical concept of man as a person, in which being in the universe reaches its maximum expression, while the same material world acquires its meaning. The same trend has its peak in man. The human person, then, in a world record (in a Christian man is the focus of God who became man to redeem it), so that the company should be considered in the light of man, not vice versa.

Potter in 1970 had already understood that the indiscriminate use of scientific knowledge and technology can represent a serious threat to human survival, indeed of all living species on earth. Paradoxically, advances in science, which seeks to give man a better quality of life, can undermine the very life tragically, this cry of alarm now seems more timely than ever and looks with concern, to mention some of the most emblematic of problem, the achievements of genetic engineering and its applications (handling of living structures, cloning and construction of biological weapons), pollution, nuclear and chemical weapons, etc..

Considering the importance and relevance of such arguments, the Movement for the life of Marsala has decided to explore the topic "Bioethics" making it an object of study, with the help of prof. Paul Mirabile, in the first two meetings of the seminar. During the next meeting, scheduled for Thursday, November 11, will be proposed by dr. Savatteri Vincent, head of Ser.T. Marsala and respected criminologist, a reflection on life and the cultural elements that characterize today's deepening the current time.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Welcome Baby Party Invitation Wording

Rimini - Film Review common stories of denied rights

ken loach rimini From project to promote social "Cineattivi" born review "Ken Loach: common stories of denied rights" .

The project promoted by Cineattivi Volontarimini - Centre for Voluntary Service in Rimini - has seen the creation of a laboratory of social communication-oriented visual arts film dedicated to boys and girls are disadvantaged or subject to exclusion phenomena. With the help of volunteers and experts, were made two short films on issues related to social and life stories at the margin, in particular due to living conditions migrant and dependencies. Both shorts will be screened during the festival.

Following this theme, the film festival itself as an active way to experience the cinema and the works of a director attentive to social, individual and collective finding issues and living conditions in which the denial of fundamental rights, exploitation, social inequality and the removal of so-called public goods are on the agenda. This review will consider the need for redemption (not always possible) that express the characters of Loach, and that energy is necessary for the successful improvement of social conditions, in the name of the work of associations operating in the area.

The film festival is dedicated to the work of British director Ken Loach and will run throughout the month of November Cinematheque at the City of Rimini
9 / 11 Sweet Sixteen (2002) 16/11

My Name Is Joe (1998)

23/11 Land and Freedom (1995) 30/11

Bread and Roses (2000)

Promoted by voluntary associations Province of Rimini:
Jacquerie, Carlo Giuliani, Acat, voice, Rainbow, sinister sound, San Damiano. Produced with the support of
Volontarimini - service center for volunteerism in Rimini.

L ' Admission is free subject to availability.
Cinematheque Comunale di Rimini - via Gambalunga, 27 - Rimini

Watch the event on facebook

Digital Playground Straming Free

IN THE HEART OF EUROPE: The Marsala Laura Adragna, winner of the European Competition 2009, visit to the European Parliament in Strasbourg

It was all started in March 2010, when Prof. bring in a pamphlet of a European contest organized by the Movement for Life . It had to do a paper and hand six days later. Without much conviction, without really want to do, I began to write almost without realizing it, to vent, to get rid of all the pain that I circulated in four months. I wrote very much ... and I gave thoroughly convinced that he made a big mistake. But on that issue long talked about myself, and I wanted someone who actually read all that I wanted to say, I never said. I had never spoken. And so time passes and now not thought to that issue, until one day the school called me saying he had won the trip to Strasbourg. Strasbourg? Who? I? Impossible. No one has ever praised my skills narrative-poetic! But meanwhile, it was all true, I won myself, that girl that nobody has ever really understood. No one had believed in me and from there, perhaps, is born all my strength. I was told I would not be many who came from nowhere, I had criticized ... believed to be better. So October has arrived and with it Strasbourg. I thought, anti-social than I thought I would not have tied up with anyone, I'd been alone on the sidelines in a lonely corner style Leopardi. But, apart from with my wonderful compagnetta room and coach Brown, I socialized with many people ... it seemed all one big family (with my fellow then ... fun! =)). So many emotions have accompanied me on this wonderful journey, like sitting on the Council of Europe (Brown and Gonzalo two ... Members only!), and a visit to the European Parliament ... and especially the meeting with the Honorable Carlo Casini! I have believed that a man were to have been high ... I just talked nonsense! A wonderful man, sociable, without arrogance. And then these wonderful places ... the good things they gave us food ... and chocolate! In the end I felt as if my heart had become twice as high for the emotions ... and I can not deny that, got off the plane, I dropped a tear. And now is the time to thank all those who have stood with me.
First Bruna Brunetta, Bruna, Biuna ... she supported me since I searched on facebook until the plane landed at Palermo!; to my parents for giving me a love for writing and carers Tutor Tony Cettina; my wonderful traveling companions who sweetened this making the trip very fun!; the guys I met along the way Fabiana, for reading my first issue of all and telling me that "sure win", Valeria, who supported me during my daily sclera, the other friends who not to mention one by one, and friends, the president of MPV Marsala, Victor Saladin, and all friends of the movement, people, envious, I have only made it stronger. A special thanks goes to myself and to my stubbornness, for convincing me not to give up ... and I never will! ... and my heartfelt thanks goes to him, he was first, now no longer ... he was born thanks to my theme, which allowed me to win! my guardian angel exactly a year ago has left me ... you were there beside me in Strasbourg! Not you're gone for good, Nicole!!

Broken Arm Physical Therapy Exercises

"Quarenghi 2010 - If you love life, life reciprocates your love"

It was my first Quarenghi was my first experience with the pro-life movement.
experience that I would a thousand times, an experience that I will continue to life.
Thanks for the European competition, I know the MPV, which has given me so many emotions and so many wonderful ideas of life ..
I followed the reports carefully, those relationships that made me realize how beautiful life living with balances of ideas, it's nice to live life knowing that you can be useful to other lives, it's nice live life knowing that you are not alone, that next to you is someone who holds out his hand, it's nice to live life knowing that inside you have an engine so loud how beautiful it is called heart.
The key word of the week It was love.
We talked about how many kinds of love can be, and how love moves the world.
And if each of us stop to think, recharge his heart full of love, there would be no need to do Eggi anti-abortion, anti-war protests and euthanasia.
But unfortunately the world is the opposite, and the best things are rendered almost impossible.
"If you want peace, defend Life " said Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
instead we want peace, killing the unborn life.
and we believe in certain values \u200b\u200bthat we have a world to rebuild a world to raise up, and if we all unite we can do there.
because the world is us! society we are.
and we decided how we live, s living with good or evil
"Being and Nothingness is good evil" (G. Anzalone)
The Hon. Carlo Casini, Joseph Anzalone, Valter Boero, prof. Samek Lodovici, Elizabeth Panusci, Gianni Mussini, Dr. Dal Monte, and many other speakers have said that the beautiful words on the theme of Life! Words that I hope will become facts.
This week was great because I know many other guys who came from all over Italy, and to compare our ideas has been a great help for the future, you know why so many other realities.
I'm sure this will not be the last "Quarenghi" but the beginning of many more!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


"A FILM FOR LIFE - All the movies to build projects of hope "

The Movement for Life Marsala el'Anspi "Our Lady of Wisdom" Sappusi, organize, starting Sunday, November 7 PV, 1 cycle Cineforum 2010 entitled "A FILM FOR LIFE - All the movies projects to build hope. "

Convinced that the language of film is still a valid means of expression and communication, and cultural and spiritual enrichment, the two associations had the idea to organize this initiative to discuss and confront society, love, family, youth and foster reflection through engaging stories that tends to develop a culture aware and respectful of the value of human life from conception to natural death.

The first film in the program are: November 7, 17.00, The Game, November 21 at 17.00, Happy feet, 5 December at 17.00, Nativity.

Screenings will be held at the hall of the Centre for Social Sappusi.

projections, which will begin on time at the times indicated, followed by a brief discussion.

Admission is free.
Download the poster

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Face Noticeably Uneven

a pleasant surprise: the basis for fostering reflection in our city that tends to promote and develop a culture aware and respectful of the value of human life from conception to natural death

It was a pleasant surprise seeing present at the first meeting of the seminar information organized by the MPV of Marsala, over 50 men and women, between 17 and 60 years.

The same organizers, but have moved far and wide in the weeks leading up to promote the seminar, did not expect such a large participation.

In spite of what one is tempted to think there's so many people who still finds the time and the courage to come together to bring forward evidence of battles, cultural, able to attract and educate young people to the highest values \u200b\u200bof respect for life .

Courage, yes. It should be just the courage to speak today because of unborn life, defending the rights fundamental to promoting the dignity of the person from conception, and denounce the scandal of a company, a state that says to the woman: "Here, come, I've prepared a clean, safe and comfortable place where you can kill your child for free and now I offer you the opportunity to choose the weapon you like more: the tools of the surgeon or a pill "without doubt attracted the condemnation of feminists and politicians, and often means to be marginalized, to be watched like crazy, remnants of the past not only respect the culture and the radical left, but unfortunately sometimes in the Catholic world itself.

But thank God there are still those who, driven only by love for life and in defense of the weakest (and who is weaker than do something really new or has just been conceived?) wants - despite the many obstacles - build a culture of life and a civilization of love.

It is not sentimentality, as some may be led to think, not only for defense of moral principles or faith.

It is those who,
deeply disgusted and offended by the terrible crimes that are done every day by abortion, euthanasia or assisted suicide, and baffled by the inertia with which we are witnessing Italian properties , decided to fight through clenched teeth for the defense of life. It is clear that no defense of human life there can be no solidarity nor the renewal of society, neither equality nor freedom, nor democracy, nor the realization of human rights and no peace.

A wave of new culture for nearly a year, so, you are entering in Marsala. For the second consecutive year, the Movement for Life Marsala has organized a course on advocacy issues concerning maternal and prenatal life, and this year the entries were even higher than the previous year.

The seminar promoted this year - to be held in 10 meetings on a monthly basis - has theme of "caring for the life."

"We wanted to give the title of this conference 'CARE OF LIFE' - said President Victor Saladin in his introductory message of the course - for 'taking care of life' is now more than ever a need. Since conception, the human being deserves to be recognized, respected, protected, loved and served as one of us, equal in dignity and rights. Worth that is that we "take care" of the whole person. This is because life, to anyone, rich or poor, healthy or sick, young or old - and without distinction of race or religion - Is an inviolable right. And if it is tampered with each of us must shoulder its responsibility towards life and act quickly and detailed information on the issue. "

Provide detailed information on the defense of life is the purpose of the course that had as speaker of the first appointment Paul Mirabile, a professor of religion and a degree in bioethics at the University of Messina.

"that human life has its own principle of inviolability is a unanimous decision - said Mirabile. However

- said the speaker - there are some occurrences in which the right to life of the individual gives way to other rights, they are four: the death penalty, the "just war" and the self-defense, the danger of a duty of their safety.

They introduce a criterion of existential insecurity. Does that depend on the continued life of a human being by external conditions to it and found another man who allows their existence.

The exceptions to which he referred to the prof. Mirabile of the cases are very specific, sometimes questionable, but in no way equivalent to abortion, and it therefore can not be considered legitimate in any way.

"Consider, for example - Mirabile has pointed out - to the absolute arbitrary legislation, which provides for 90 days the time within which you can practice on abortion. What happens to the 91st day? In virtue of what a single day, the embryo acquires an altered existential. And this is not absolute. For those who know the l.194 - Mirabile has continued - in the case of malformation of the embryo is still leaking this inviolability. "

In fact, anyone who supports the legality della'aborto "only sometimes", he invokes the principle that when a value it compares with other equally fundamental conflict arises and the consequent need to a choice. What I wanted to emphasize the speaker means is that any justification of violence done in life itself, an affirmation of the power of life and death over another human being. Moreover, what is good for me may not be for another and vice versa. About sindacherà these criteria of validity and if valid reasons exist for the intrauterine life because they do not take into account the already born. This is why it is often said, and rightly so, that abortion is in some sense the matrix of any attack on human life. But this is not just the peculiarity of abortion violence than any other life. Perhaps the most striking contrast it causes is an act against life and paradoxically made possible by those who are constitutionally place in his ward: the mother medicine, the state law.

A rational argument based on ethical arguments that the prof. Mirabile that - during the allotted time - in addition to having mentioned the various types of abortion (therapeutic, eugenic, after rape) addressed sensitive issues such as euthanasia.

The next meeting is scheduled for Oct. 28, but through facebook - on which the Movement for Life Marsala has created a group - and thanks to your blog ( can prolong the 'interesting reflection sort after the meeting.

We hope you will be able to involve more people so that we can promote our city in a debate that seeks to promote and develop a culture aware and respectful of the value of human life from conception to natural death.

Victor Saladin

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

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'TAKE CARE OF LIFE '- Informative seminar organized by the Movement for Life Marsala

The Movement for Life Marsala is organizing a seminar on "Caring for life." The course is open to those who wish to study issues affecting the dignity, value and defense of human life.
the 10 meetings scheduled to be held on a monthly basis at the Social Centre in Via G. Sappusi Falcone in Marsala. The Movement for Life was born in Marsala with the goal of "a general renewal of society, and to that end, consider the right to life as the first expression of human dignity,

foundation of all law Human ensure proper definition and promotion of freedom, natural rights, democracy and peace - says the president Victor Saladin - Among the aims of our association that is relevant educational who wants to help, especially for young people, the formation of a mentality that respects the dignity of human life at every stage. To achieve this goal, we organized a seminar to raise awareness on current and fundamental issues concerning the promotion and defense of human life, dignity and rights. "
These are the issues to be discussed during the course:
1. The "fundamental" value of life
2. Life ethics - For a bioethics on "fundamental" value of life
3. THE LIFE AND CULTURAL CONTEXT TODAY - The elements that characterize the current time
4. Abortion, assisted reproduction and euthanasia - Legal Aspects
5. Among the defense of life and liberty of death - Legal status of 'Euthanasia
7. Theological conception of life
8. HOW TO TAKE CARE OF LIFE - Testimonials, proposals and practical advice
9. Working in the service network of the person - Round table between those responsible for social services and voluntary
10. MOVEMENT FOR LIFE - The purpose and aim


Thursday, July 8, 2010

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EDUCATION CONFERENCE TO GROW organized by the Federation Movement for Life Sicily Marsala

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

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for democratic participation in the life of the country, was handed over to families Introd a communication dated July 1, 2010, in order to give to the citizens what is happening in distant rooms municipal.

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Friday, July 2, 2010

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Three students won the European competition of the XXIII MPV

Members of the Board of Directors of the Movement for Life Marsala met at its headquarters in Via G. Falcone 13A student winners of the XXIII edition of the European competition sponsored by the Italian Movement for Life.

The theme which students were invited to reflect this year was "Europe, meditation on human dignity." The processed products

by the students (reports, essays, graphics, multimedia) were selected by a regional commission and the best have won a living study in the European Parliament in Strasbourg, the second prize consists rather in a summer seminar "Quarenghi" organized by the Movement for Italian life and this year will be held from July 31 to August 7 in Roseto degli Abruzzi (TE).

It was the first year that pupils in some schools in Marsala participated in the competition, thanks to the establishment in Marsala, albeit for a short time, the Association of Marsala-Life Movement, which promoted the competition in their city. This initiative, which has reported very successful, it is was proposed by Professor Lombardo Marilina and Prof. Angela Rinaldo Institute Industrial Technical and Vocational Institute "Cosentino" and Prof. Dorothy De Vita Pedagogical School in Paschasinus. Among the many participants in the European competition Marsala three girls have been awarded.

Adragna Laura Silvana won the trip to Strasbourg, while Frazier and Gessica Sardo Marika won the summer seminar "Quarenghi. The hope is that next year we can reach all secondary schools Marsala to involve students and teachers to deal with thorny and very current issues would remain unresolved and are otherwise difficult to give an opportunity other young people to win a holiday prize interesting.

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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

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ready to face a great adventure with enthusiasm

was held Saturday, June 5, Auditorium Santa Cecilia in Marsala, the opening concert of the Movement for Life Marsala. After the presentation of the board president, Victor Saladin, greeted many of those present, explaining the aims of the essential foundation for love of neighbor, to serve the common good, to defend and promote human rights especially of poorest and most vulnerable. The association was, however, mainly to give voice to the voiceless, such as the unborn child, which, being small, weak, unable to speak and defend himself, at the risk of death, then they are also poor, the poorest of the poor.

"Claiming the right to life of one who was not born yet does not prevent us to express solidarity with all others - indeed compels us - said Victor Saladin. Without defense of human life, however, there can be no solidarity nor the renewal of society, neither equality nor freedom, nor democracy, nor the realization of human rights and no peace. "

The Bishop of our diocese, speaking at the ceremony, among other things that "work for the defense of life is to go against the dominant culture. The Lives of Others, defenseless, newborn, not news and this often means working in often difficult conditions, without much recognition. ". "I hope - has continued Monsignor Mogavero - raising awareness, training and testimony and value choices. Life is a gift that comes from God's testimony is true when it exposes us to insults and even death. " The bishop recalled in this connection the testimony of Monsignor Luigi Padovese recently killed in Turkey.

His Excellency, while acknowledging and approving the absolute state in his speech lay the newly-formed association, showed the total share in the work of the Church of the movements and the Centers for support of life, because the right to life is a non-negotiable right to be recognized by all. "I wish - he concluded - that the Movement knows how to be a sign of concern for life to be able to accompany those living in difficult pregnancy. The presence of many citizens is a sign of hope as well that this city deserves the birth of the Movement for Life. "

Masters Ivan Di Dia and Mario Vultaggio, with their violins, gave those present an atmosphere of reflection and participation.

The final toast, served in the charming Piazzetta Purgatory, finally allowed to shareholders and board members to meet so many enthusiastic people, which received appreciation and encouragement.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

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May 23, 2010: event not to forget the 5,000,000 unborn children and 120,000 children born thanks to the help center to life

"That little baby born or not yet NATO has created a great thing to love and be loved "(Mother Teresa)