Monday, March 14, 2011

Scalloped Potatoes And Pork Chops Mushroom Soup

Soon a Help Center to life even in Marsala

"Abortion is not inevitable." This is the view emerged during a meeting organized by the Movement for the life of Marsala on " HOW TO TAKE CARE OF LIFE ", held in the meeting room of the Parish of Our Lady of Wisdom Sappusi.
"This is not 'to change their minds', as they accuse us, but to offer concrete answers to practical needs, opening the way to accept in front of the drive towards abortion, " said President Victor Saladin during the presentation of the activities of more than 300 centers in support of life scattered throughout Italy. Thanks to them over
120 thousand children have been helped to be born, the foundation of the first CAV (Florence 1975), and more than 600 thousand women accepted, assisted, listen, help.
The meeting was also attended by the president of the Center for Aid to the life of Castelvetrano, Lory, the President of the PCC of Mazara del Vallo, Marco Tumbiolo, the provincial coordinator, prof. James Scrozzari and volunteers of the two centers.
No reason enough to kill an innocent man who has no other fault than to be called into existence without having been asked anything, they said some of them. Women should, therefore, help to overcome the reasons that make pregnancy and burdensome life difficult for a large family.
"For years we help women not to abort - have confessed to the volunteers - and we've never met people who have regretted having their child, while many are those who have repented of having an abortion."
In fact, the statistics relating to national data collection until 2009, it appears that 83% of pregnant women have arisen to a CAV with the certificate to abort the pregnancy went on.
This confirms the preventive effect with respect to abortion, the action taken by CAV.
The climax of the meeting was the witness, moving as stimulating, Marilena, a young girl helped by the PCC of Mazara, now happy to be able to proudly show the photograph of his third daughter, had only timely intervention by the operators.
There are many things to do, there are many Marilena also Marsala. Those who share the objectives of the CAV and the MPV can not remain indifferent or aloof. Everyone is invited to offer their cooperation as well as hoped by John Paul II during his visit to CAV in Florence, during which stated that "... the center is a challenge to a mentality of death. I fervently hope that Christians, believers, men of good will want to cooperate sincerely and consistently .... "
is planned in the coming months, the opening, even in Marsala, a CAV. Meanwhile, every woman needs help, or a family member or acquaintance, can call 335.58.11.924. Some volunteers, with absolute confidentiality, professional and unbiased, will be available to give him a hand, allowing the small of her birth and her not to go through a life marked by pain and remorse that so many women know.


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