33rd NATIONAL DAY FOR LIFE - Day of Reflection and celebration at the Social Centre Sappusi
At the 33rd National Day for Life be celebrated Sunday, February 6, 2011 and whose theme is "Educating the fullness of life", the Movement for the life of Marsala is pleased to invite citizens to participate in the conference to be held starting at 16:00 at the Centre for Social Sappusi. Subject matter of the meeting will be the "theological conception of Life." Greek speakers will be Don Vincenzo, who will be the "eschatological dimension of life" and Don Vito Impellizzeri, who will talk about life as a "gift and responsibility."
Afterwards, at approximately 17:00, the choir "Voices of Light", consists of about 70 students of the educational Sappusi Circle IV, will enliven the evening with a concert that will conclude with a lively refreshing finish.
The meeting is open to all, is part of the Training Seminar "TAKE CARE OF LIFE" by that October, the Movement for Life is being held in Marsala and will end in May.
The previous two meetings were held by the lawyer Domenico Giacalone, who proposed to the participants of the course the legal aspects of euthanasia, Patti and Don Nicholas, parish priest of Our Lady of Wisdom, who has treated the biblical foundations of bioethics.
Also Sunday, February 6, during the morning, in all the parishes, bringing home a primrose color, you can contribute to the initiative "a primrose FOR LIFE" through an offer you can support charitable and cultural initiatives in support of new life and motherhood that the Movement for Life makes a Marsala with its volunteers.
At the same time will be distributed free of promotional material including the journal of the National Movement for Life "Yes to life" and "La Primula", the new sheet of the Movement for Life Marsala.
Made in the occasion of national day for 33 to life, it along with the blog-www.mpg marsala.blogspot.com, the Facebook page "Movement for Life - Marsala" and the radio program "TAKE CARE OF LIFE" (which airs on Radio City from April Marsala and resurface the topics covered during the course of awareness), will be the media tools through which the pro-life group will perform its educational and training purposes.
They will also serve as liaison with those who share the ideals and all those who want to contribute to the voluntary initiatives of the Association.
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