Tuesday, February 1, 2011

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"Do not administer to anyone, even if required, a deadly drug, nor suggest such counsel, similarly to any woman I will give an abortive drug."
The words above were uttered not by a Pope, nor by a cardinal or a Catholic 'bigot', not even a 'modern' secular supporter of human life.
They date back to about 2500 years ago and the words written by Hippocrates ( ancient greek physician and geographer, considered the "father" of medicine) for the oath that still is provided by doctors , dentists and veterinarians before starting the profession.
It follows from this that the question of ethics "medical" to the administration of death has been dealt with since the dawn of medical science.
After analyzing information in previous meetings of the Seminar "TAKE CARE OF LIFE", organized by the Movement for Life of Marsala, the value of human life from the perspective of bioethics and contemporary culture through the context, it is instructed to ' lawyer Domenico Giacalone reports on "Legal aspects of euthanasia."
A subject very difficult for the delicate issue to be addressed and the current political and cultural moment in which modern man tries to extricate himself from the defense of life and freedom of death. The involvement of the lawyer
Giacalone, held Thursday, January 13 at the Social Centre Sappusi in Marsala, however, was very clear and very illuminating.
"In Italy, euthanasia is prohibited by criminal law and all this is entirely within the constitutional provisions - began the speaker." "Consequently, the current Italian criminal code, active euthanasia (when death is caused directly) passive euthanasia (when death is caused indirectly as a result of the suspension the necessary care; distinct therapeutic dall'accanimento) are similar to voluntary murder is a criminal offense, all of which, pursuant to Art. 575 of the Penal Code. " After examining
- by giving reading - art. 575, the lawyer said Giacalone also Article 579 (murder of consent) and 580 (incitement or assistance to suicide) of the Criminal Code.
The rapporteur has therefore shown to present the different existing laws on euthanasia in different countries around the world and parliamentary activities since 1984 have followed in our country about euthanasia.
Finally, the lawyer Giacalone has briefly touched on some controversial cases (Elena Moroni, Eluana, Giovnni Cloud, Piergiorgio Welby) that will undoubtedly have made more headlines in Italy, as well as the ethical implications for those policies, due to the reasons expressed by the judges in their judgments.


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