Monday, March 14, 2011

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Soon a Help Center to life even in Marsala

"Abortion is not inevitable." This is the view emerged during a meeting organized by the Movement for the life of Marsala on " HOW TO TAKE CARE OF LIFE ", held in the meeting room of the Parish of Our Lady of Wisdom Sappusi.
"This is not 'to change their minds', as they accuse us, but to offer concrete answers to practical needs, opening the way to accept in front of the drive towards abortion, " said President Victor Saladin during the presentation of the activities of more than 300 centers in support of life scattered throughout Italy. Thanks to them over
120 thousand children have been helped to be born, the foundation of the first CAV (Florence 1975), and more than 600 thousand women accepted, assisted, listen, help.
The meeting was also attended by the president of the Center for Aid to the life of Castelvetrano, Lory, the President of the PCC of Mazara del Vallo, Marco Tumbiolo, the provincial coordinator, prof. James Scrozzari and volunteers of the two centers.
No reason enough to kill an innocent man who has no other fault than to be called into existence without having been asked anything, they said some of them. Women should, therefore, help to overcome the reasons that make pregnancy and burdensome life difficult for a large family.
"For years we help women not to abort - have confessed to the volunteers - and we've never met people who have regretted having their child, while many are those who have repented of having an abortion."
In fact, the statistics relating to national data collection until 2009, it appears that 83% of pregnant women have arisen to a CAV with the certificate to abort the pregnancy went on.
This confirms the preventive effect with respect to abortion, the action taken by CAV.
The climax of the meeting was the witness, moving as stimulating, Marilena, a young girl helped by the PCC of Mazara, now happy to be able to proudly show the photograph of his third daughter, had only timely intervention by the operators.
There are many things to do, there are many Marilena also Marsala. Those who share the objectives of the CAV and the MPV can not remain indifferent or aloof. Everyone is invited to offer their cooperation as well as hoped by John Paul II during his visit to CAV in Florence, during which stated that "... the center is a challenge to a mentality of death. I fervently hope that Christians, believers, men of good will want to cooperate sincerely and consistently .... "
is planned in the coming months, the opening, even in Marsala, a CAV. Meanwhile, every woman needs help, or a family member or acquaintance, can call 335.58.11.924. Some volunteers, with absolute confidentiality, professional and unbiased, will be available to give him a hand, allowing the small of her birth and her not to go through a life marked by pain and remorse that so many women know.

Monday, February 7, 2011

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Exciting XXXIII National Day for Life as lived by the Movement for Life Marsala.
Already at nine o'clock in the morning, even on a Saturday night you went to bed late, the youth of the Movement, accompanied President Victor Saladin and the secretary of the association Rosanna Bonomo, went to the hospital "Paolo Borsellino" Marsala to give new mothers the "PRIMULA of Life" symbol of the Association and a sign of concern and respect for life human and in particular so that nascent.

same time, many volunteers distributed in all parishes Marsala primroses, and magazines "YES TO LIFE" in the movement for national life and "La Primula" the new information sheet of the local movement.
In the afternoon we ended up with all the members, sympathizers and many other people at the conference organized for the occasion of the national day for life. Two were the distinguished speakers. Don Vincenzo, who spoke Greek eschatological aspects of life (the afterlife) and Don Vito Impellizzeri, who has treated the theme of life as a gift and responsibility.

The two rapporteurs have helped to understand the audience - very attentive to the words addressed to them - that the affirmation of a future life than life on earth is not in competition with the recognition of the importance and uniqueness of life on earth neither one negates the other and vice versa. But although they are distinct, different and opposite, the other follows in one to one and we act for the other.
During the introduction, the Chairman of the Movement for Life Marsala, Victor Saladin presented to the association and present the objectives which it seeks.
almost a year, Marsala, - said Saladino - men and women, young and old, have decided to accept the 'exciting challenge issued by the bishops and the Pope in his Message of the Bishops' Council Standing Committee on the 33 th day of life. "Education is the challenge and the urgent task to which we are called, each in its proper role and specific vocation" - the message reads.
A challenge that has turned into an intense educational, cultural and solidarity. I remember for example - said the president - the Information Seminar "Prendes CARING" which today would be held on 7 th meeting. A film club in every two weeks - In collaboration with the ANSPI entitled "A FILM FOR LIFE", the birth of a young team of the Movement for Life, working closely with the Teaching Circle IV Sappusi realized thanks to the sensitivity and interest of Prof. ssa Elisha, a staff of volunteers going around the various parishes of our city defends and promotes the gift of life, and we can not forget in addition to educational initiatives as well as other supportive measures to help single mothers and support to pregnant women, and especially in the defense new life.
But certainly we do not want to stop right now! - Also because there really much to do ... - said Victor Saladin. We hope - he said - that many of these help us to continue our many initiatives to ensure that we can spread a new humanism, educating all people of good will, and in particular the young generation, to see life as the gift most high that God has given to mankind. "

Immediately after the speeches of the two priests, the choir "Voices of Light" of the Fourth Didactic Sappusi conducted by Antonio Marino and the class musical instrument of the same institute conducted by Francesco Pavia, with some songs have delighted more than 200 speakers at the event. All children were given a certificate to commemorate the event.
At the end of the celebration was offered a drink to the largest and many colorful balloons to the many children present.
But the day for life for his friends of the Movement for Life did not end here, but with a dinner at the Family Home "Work of Mercy" where they shared with their mothers and their children in addition to food hopes and smiles and even a beautiful cake made by Rosanna B., secretary of the Movement.
also been donated to them is a "primrose for life" but also was given the promise of returning them to stay together as soon as possible.

Victor Saladin

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Terrasini the first meeting organized by the training of young Federvita

Professor. Enzo Christmas and Professor Petralia, president of Sicily Federvita

was held January 30 in Terrasini the first training meeting of young Sicilians. Guest of honor at the National Head of the team young, Leo Pergamon. Early in the morning we discussed the theme "Culture of life and culture of death", initiated by President Petraia Pina and continued by the rapporteur Enzo Di Natali. Initially, many sentences have been cited with regard to abortion of the "unhealthy fetuses, including that of Adele Faccio, who said" let me understand why we must defend the right to life to be informed? ". From here we come to different topics, such as the Holocaust and the dramatic rescue attempt by a psychiatrist of his patients by declaring them insane, even if it caused the opposite effect, in fact they were all deported. As a result, we became aware that the West every year, "throw away" a lot 'of children by abortion and the incredible prophecy Heidger, who said "the West today as never before, showing what is etymologically means: the setting sun. The West is gradually sinking "(obviously referring to what has been said before). This was followed by thoughts of Nietzsche, Heingerheart, Darwin and other important philosophers who seem to precursors of racism. It was later showed the film "Parents and children" with Luciana Littizzetto, which ironically was the relationship between parents and children, who rarely understand.
national manager of the team young, Leo Pergamon

After the lunch break, here come the guest of honor, Leo Pergamon. He addressed the topic we were talking about the film, parents and children compared precisely. Following this, a mass.
(Laura Silvana Adragna)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

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33rd NATIONAL DAY FOR LIFE - Day of Reflection and celebration at the Social Centre Sappusi

At the 33rd National Day for Life be celebrated Sunday, February 6, 2011 and whose theme is "Educating the fullness of life", the Movement for the life of Marsala is pleased to invite citizens to participate in the conference to be held starting at 16:00 at the Centre for Social Sappusi. Subject matter of the meeting will be the "theological conception of Life." Greek speakers will be Don Vincenzo, who will be the "eschatological dimension of life" and Don Vito Impellizzeri, who will talk about life as a "gift and responsibility."
Afterwards, at approximately 17:00, the choir "Voices of Light", consists of about 70 students of the educational Sappusi Circle IV, will enliven the evening with a concert that will conclude with a lively refreshing finish.
The meeting is open to all, is part of the Training Seminar "TAKE CARE OF LIFE" by that October, the Movement for Life is being held in Marsala and will end in May.
The previous two meetings were held by the lawyer Domenico Giacalone, who proposed to the participants of the course the legal aspects of euthanasia, Patti and Don Nicholas, parish priest of Our Lady of Wisdom, who has treated the biblical foundations of bioethics.
Also Sunday, February 6, during the morning, in all the parishes, bringing home a primrose color, you can contribute to the initiative "a primrose FOR LIFE" through an offer you can support charitable and cultural initiatives in support of new life and motherhood that the Movement for Life makes a Marsala with its volunteers.
At the same time will be distributed free of promotional material including the journal of the National Movement for Life "Yes to life" and "La Primula", the new sheet of the Movement for Life Marsala.
Made in the occasion of national day for 33 to life, it along with the blog-www.mpg, the Facebook page "Movement for Life - Marsala" and the radio program "TAKE CARE OF LIFE" (which airs on Radio City from April Marsala and resurface the topics covered during the course of awareness), will be the media tools through which the pro-life group will perform its educational and training purposes.
They will also serve as liaison with those who share the ideals and all those who want to contribute to the voluntary initiatives of the Association.

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The Bible Bioethics and move on common ground and have many points of contact and discussion.
It follows that the meeting held by Rev. Nicola Patti Friday, January 28 in the 6th round of the Information Seminar "TAKE CARE OF LIFE" organized by the Movement for Life Marsala.
"The Bible - The bishop explained that last year won the Masters in Bioethics at the Faculty of Messina - with its pages that cover thousands of years and covering distances of time, attitudes and knowledge, and Bioethics, modern science and current, are a unique meeting point of interest for the man, his life and its quality. In fact, the fundamental theme of the Bible, around which all others, is the man and his life in all its components and its physical, mental and spiritual man in sexual differentiation in male and female, the man in connection with other living beings and with the creation around him, the man who is confronted with the tragedies of the pain, suffering and death, the man who tries to balance himself in the relationship with the children, the elderly, the sick. "
"The sacred text can not be found the law valid today in our cultural and historical context, - said Don Nicholas in his speech - but the basic principles to underpin and guide the principles of today's new science."
the words of the priest shows how the Bible, showing continuously in all her books, the ethical concern for the value of life for its quality and its accompanying health and human progress, his doubts and questions about meaning, it can certainly be support for Bioethics.
The speaker then explained the different views of life and death, between the Old and New Testament and then showed how to die a Christian and be respectful of the dignity of the human condition.
For the Old Testament, which has ignored for a long time to lead a worldly life, his earthly life has always been the "greatest good". Only in the texts Wisdom begins to relativize the value of a very long and successful life as the highest good and suggests a new and absolute value of fellowship and friendship with God, which extends beyond death, in the afterlife.
the New Testament is Christ's life. This is the main innovation of the NT: like God, Christ has life in himself (John 1.4, 14.6), for the sake of his father and brothers, He gives His life (Jn 10,11.15; 1 John 3.16). By the Holy Spirit, which is the fundamental principle of the new life of the believer, the Christian walk to the "eternal life" (Romans 8), so as to live a fully engaged in Christ in God through Christ (Rom 14.7-8; 2 Corinthians 5:15).
Both AT, and the NT have a high and deep consideration of life, is always considered in relation to God's life is seen as the fulfillment of man's faculties, the pleasure that accompanies its vital functions, integration in the world and their society. On the contrary, death is the negation of everything.
The essential difference is that the man of the Old Testament waited for the inevitable end as a natural conclusion of all living things. Outside of this life everything is fading. The same relationship with God is seen in the light of this life and is carried out in the field of earthly existence and human history.
Jesus Christ, the Risen and Living, has laid the groundwork for a different "culture" of death, the culture is different from the old testament, both secular and secularizing. A Christian culture of death, without hope and life after death, providing the foundations for a new attitude and prepare to die of human bioethics.
A die that restores the sense and meaning to suit the life lived and which is not seen as fleeting and unexpected moment. Death and dying are included as the last time the ground of existence and in the light of Easter, the first time for a new life. Entire route highlights the biblical principles for a life that is dignified and fulfilling quality, in all its aspects and dimensions. Acquire meaning as principles that are dear to Bioethics: the value and quality of life and its fullness, the redevelopment of the body and sex, the physical and mental health, extension and enlargement of years of life, and resolution to overcome all forms of disease, suffering and pain, and the attempt to consider not only the quality of life, but also, if not more, the quality of human death and death.

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"Do not administer to anyone, even if required, a deadly drug, nor suggest such counsel, similarly to any woman I will give an abortive drug."
The words above were uttered not by a Pope, nor by a cardinal or a Catholic 'bigot', not even a 'modern' secular supporter of human life.
They date back to about 2500 years ago and the words written by Hippocrates ( ancient greek physician and geographer, considered the "father" of medicine) for the oath that still is provided by doctors , dentists and veterinarians before starting the profession.
It follows from this that the question of ethics "medical" to the administration of death has been dealt with since the dawn of medical science.
After analyzing information in previous meetings of the Seminar "TAKE CARE OF LIFE", organized by the Movement for Life of Marsala, the value of human life from the perspective of bioethics and contemporary culture through the context, it is instructed to ' lawyer Domenico Giacalone reports on "Legal aspects of euthanasia."
A subject very difficult for the delicate issue to be addressed and the current political and cultural moment in which modern man tries to extricate himself from the defense of life and freedom of death. The involvement of the lawyer
Giacalone, held Thursday, January 13 at the Social Centre Sappusi in Marsala, however, was very clear and very illuminating.
"In Italy, euthanasia is prohibited by criminal law and all this is entirely within the constitutional provisions - began the speaker." "Consequently, the current Italian criminal code, active euthanasia (when death is caused directly) passive euthanasia (when death is caused indirectly as a result of the suspension the necessary care; distinct therapeutic dall'accanimento) are similar to voluntary murder is a criminal offense, all of which, pursuant to Art. 575 of the Penal Code. " After examining
- by giving reading - art. 575, the lawyer said Giacalone also Article 579 (murder of consent) and 580 (incitement or assistance to suicide) of the Criminal Code.
The rapporteur has therefore shown to present the different existing laws on euthanasia in different countries around the world and parliamentary activities since 1984 have followed in our country about euthanasia.
Finally, the lawyer Giacalone has briefly touched on some controversial cases (Elena Moroni, Eluana, Giovnni Cloud, Piergiorgio Welby) that will undoubtedly have made more headlines in Italy, as well as the ethical implications for those policies, due to the reasons expressed by the judges in their judgments.

Monday, January 24, 2011

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combine forces of the Fourth Didactic Sappusi and the Movement for the life of Marsala

"To promote, especially among young people, the formation of a mentality that respects the dignity of human life at every stage. "

This is the common goal that has brought forth a close collaboration between the Movement for the life of Marsala and IV of Didactic Sappusi.
During a meeting to discuss the various initiatives organized by the pro-life movement at national and local levels, the director, Professor Maria Lea Elisha agree with the president of the Movement for Life, Victor Saladin in order to better achieve the aim of both, has formally requested that your institution become a member of the pro-life.
in this way may participate actively in the life of the association promoting their initiatives and support activities through the expertise of its faculty and making available their premises.
For its part, the Movement for Life, will offer its willingness to contribute their knowledge and specific training plan in the context of the school.
early as the next national day of life, which will be held Sunday, February 6 pv, the choir "Voices of Light" by the school with his songs will delight the participants of the conference organized by the Movement for Life, to be held in Starting from 16.00 at the Centre for Social Sappusi and are engaged as speakers and Greek Don Vito Don Vincenzo Impellizzeri. During the same occasion, the children will donate association of the baby that will then be distributed to mothers in need. Since March, however, the Movement for Life volunteers will be engaged between the desks of the Institutes "Auction" and "root" with the "Tom Thumb" by which you try to explain to children the "secret of life ".
The entire board of the Movement for the life of Marsala, happy for the important agreement reached between the two organizations, hopes that many others will join the big family of the Movement for Life , which has, in Italy, over six hundred local movements, Centers and services in support of life and homes.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

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The otra vouéce - Lettra Iverta - December 2010 The

From the list, another communication to the public.
You can download a copy here .