"Knowledge of neighbor has this special passes necessarily through the knowledge of himself. "I. Calvino
Jacquerie Association, active in Rimini 2008, was created by collecting the experiences of young volunteers in the city for years engaged in activities to promote aggregation, socializing, sharing, direct participation in civic life, cultural development and advocacy.
The association is voluntary and non-partisan. Which takes the founding principles of anti-capitalism, anti-fascism, anti-racism, the anti-sexism, the anti-authoritarianism, solidarity beyond all differences of wealth, race, sex, religious belief and sexual orientation, respect for the values \u200b\u200bof equality, social justice and democracy.
The defense of civil liberties and rights, their promotion, promotion of "diversity" as a resource, not a cause of hatred are accomplished through the activities of the association.
The Association is to organize and promote events, activities, services and activities of social, cultural, artistic, recreational and offer support to citizens, as well as other community groups and associations, to address issues related to young people, migrants and those who, considered to belong to as marginal, are subject to exclusion and discrimination.
Far from a practice exclusively welfarist, we want to be carriers of joy, we open paths "other" for social liberation, building projects, to network, to produce self-knowledge, knowledge and relationships can disintegrate the fears that pervade society today and feed hatred and distrust, we want to contribute to the emergence of a Another way to experience the personal and collective experience in our city and in the world.
and cities like dreams: everything imaginable can be dreamed, but even the most unexpected dream is a rebus that conceals a desire or its reverse, a fear. Cities like dreams are made of desires and fears.
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